Once I get my fence row cleared out and plant more lilacs, I will need to fill in spots with plants that are hardy. Day lilies fit the bill. Day lilies are on sale right now.
So that means I bought more day lilies.
Daring Deception.....a lovely day lily for close to the house. I also bought a dark purple day lily but it is currently not blooming.
Speaking of addictions. I normally cut the flowers stalks off my hostas unless they are white. Since I have been side tracked with other projects, this chore went undone. But lo and behold look......one of the hostas has bloomed with a dark purple flower stalk. Not only dark purple but stripped dark purple.
why do you cut the flowers off the hosta?
we were taking a walk around town yesterday evening and I noticed that someone else also cuts the flowers off the hostas.
inquiring minds want to know.
I cut them off because they look scraggly. The stalks have both dead and new flowers on them.
Some hostas have better flowers and even smell like orchids. they are usually the large white flowers.
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